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Digitalize a B2B Business – Application Kitchn

Digitalize a B2B Business – Application Kitchn

How to digitize and simplify the ordering process between the various divisions of the Charraire Group, a specialist in fresh products, and its restaurant clients?

In the highly competitive world of restaurants, the freshness of the products offered is crucial. The Charraire Group is a leading supplier of fresh products to restaurateurs and professionals, providing daily deliveries to thousands of clients. The goal is to shift from a model that relies 100% on telesales to a model where 30% of orders are placed online, while improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Creation of a digital ordering tool: Kitchn, the mobile app for chefs

To achieve this goal, we took the time to understand the business, strengths, and specific challenges of the Charraire Group, while also considering their clients’ expectations and preferences. Our approach was centered around four main pillars:

  1. Research: Familiarization with the brand and immersion in each step of the logistics chain to identify obstacles and opportunities.
  2. UX/UI: Designing an intuitive and engaging user experience tailored to the needs of restaurateurs.
  3. Technology: Developing a robust and high-performing application, incorporating the latest technological innovations.
  4. Data: Leveraging data to personalize the user experience and optimize the ordering processes.

A gradual shift in behaviors that enhances the customer experience for restaurateurs and enriches the Charraire Group with valuable data.

Satisfied early adopters have shifted from tele-sales to exclusively using Kitchn, marking a significant milestone. The phased rollout to additional clients guarantees smooth adoption of the app, driving digital transformation and boosting revenue across the Charraire Group’s brands.

“Horrea has been a key partner in our B2B digital transformation, helping us digitize our revenue. Throughout the project, their team was impactful, pragmatic, and attentive to our needs.”